Welcome to Elements Montessori School
Embracing Wonder
Elements Montessori School offers a program unlike any other on the South Shore. We have combined our innovative curriculum, “Elements of Peace”, with Dr. Maria Montessori’s pioneering, Children’s House Curriculum. We recognize that freedom of mind, body, and spirit are essential elements to the child’s overall health and well-being.
Elements is licensed to serve children 2.9 years old through Kindergarten. The environment, both inside and out, encourages spontaneous discovery, hands-on exploration, and a lifelong love for learning. Our expansive campus is a blend of landscaped and wooded grounds, gardens, fallen trees, puddles, and a very cool sandbox. Your family may choose from these flexible options:
Pre-K: Half day (8:40-1:10) or full day (8:40-3:00)
Pre-K: Three, four, or five days
Kindergarten: Five full days
Before Care (beginning at 7:30am)
After Care (until 5:30pm)
Morning snack & lunch hour is included with all programs
Fostering Growth
The Montessori Method of teaching is a child-centered approach to education. Elements fosters growth by welcoming the children to make independent and meaningful choices throughout their day. Our children are self-directed. They choose their own materials, work at their own pace, and may decide to work independently or with friends.
The adults in the Montessori classroom follow the child and serve as guides. We foster independence while removing obstacles to success. Elements’ classroom has been meticulously prepared to cater to early childhood’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs. The Montessori guide models grace and courtesy, always uses positive reinforcement, and facilitates peaceful conflict resolution.
We look forward to speaking with you. We love visitors and would be most pleased to schedule your family’s tour. We are happy to answer all of your questions about our program, the Montessori Method, and the enrollment process.
Elements Montessori invites you, Boston’s South Shore to join us in celebration of the Wonder, Joy, and Spirit of Early Childhood!
Nurturing Peace
Dr. Maria Montessori believed that if a child were allowed to develop at their own pace, then their tendency would be to exhibit joy, understanding, and acceptance of others. She theorized that this educational tenet would lead to children living more peacefully as adults.
Elements Montessori School is dedicated to the vision of a future marked by environmental stewardship and peaceful living. Our program offers children the opportunity to mature with an appreciation for social, ecological, and global interconnectedness.
We endeavor that as our children make their way into the world, they find harmony, joy, and peace in all their many relationships…from the classroom to the cosmos.
Elements Montessori is warm and welcoming to children. We provide an exceptional, early childhood education. Our mission is simple. World Peace. One Child at a time…
Our Dream Is Your Dream
Have you been dreaming about going back to school? Finishing your degree? Furthering your career? Our dream is to begin a fundraising campaign this year. Our goal is to provide scholarships so that every family that wants their child to have a Montessori education has access. We look forward to opening our application process for scholarships and start fundraising for the 2023 to 2024 academic year.
Elements Montessori has been serving communities of Plymouth County and the South Shore of Massachusetts since 2008. Our families have traveled from as far away as Brockton, Rochester, and South Plymouth. We also serve families living in Abington, Bridgewater, Carver, Cohasset, Duxbury, Halifax, Hanover, Hanson, Hingham, Kingston, Lakeville, Marshfield, Middleborough, Norwell, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rockland, Scituate, Wareham, and Whitman.
Elements Montessori welcomes ALL families, races, religious affiliations, cultural heritages, political beliefs, national origins, family configurations, sexual orientations, gender identifications, and disabilities.
Thank you for considering a donation to Elements Montessori School to make our dream possible. Every donation counts for our small community.
Elements Montessori School Inc does not discriminate in the administration of our educational policies, admission policies, or any other school-based programs for children and their families based on race, religious affiliation, cultural heritage, political beliefs, national origin, marital status, family configuration, sexual orientation, gender identification, or disability.